Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Growth

Many times I have talked about how the horses have progressed and what they have taught me in the process. I think it is about time I talk about how I have changed. I started out as a very traditional trainer. When I was 16 it was all about dominance over the horse. They do what you want and when you want it! All bad behaviors where punished in some way. Then I grew up and got Pixie. And well we all know where Pixie and I started from and how she changed me. But did she change me completely...the answer is no. As much as I would like to say she did, I found it so easy to fall back into old habits. Maybe not with her, but with other horses that would tolerate it. I never beat them, but I also didn't look for a different way at the time. I was that crossover trainer that hadn't yet committed. I didn't want to use force and pressure, but yet I hadn't given up bits, whips, or spurs yet. It wasn't until 2014 when I decided absolutely no more bits, sticks/strings or spurs to get what I wanted. I have Navi to thank for that. She showed me that no matter how nice you think you are being when using Negative Reinforcement you are still not being nice. You are still using threats to get what you want. It has been a long road for me, one that isn't at the end yet. I am still trying to better myself.  Heck it is 2015 now and you will still find headstalls with bits hanging next to my saddles. Why if I don't want to use them?? Well that is a good question and one I can't answer. Maybe that will be my 2015 goal...get rid of my bits. 

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