For the last 4 1/2 years I have been working to find better ways to train with the horses. And 4 years ago I made a commitment to go bitless with Pixie. The only problem was that when push came to shove I went back to traditional ways and went back to the bit. In the last 4 years I have gone back and forth many times combining pressure and release methods with clicker training. However over time I learned it doesn't work well when you combine methods so my 2015 goal is 100 % commitment to force free, pressure free training.
What does this mean to me...Well it means I better put my bridle
and bits up for sale this week! I can't ask other people to be open
minded if I am not 100% committed myself. This isn't to say I haven't
been committed, it is just that I haven't let go of all my old ways. Most people will say but you have let go of your old ways, but the truth is that I haven't. If I had I would have gotten rid of my bits by now.
So why haven't I given up my bits since I don't use them? The only answer I can come up with is that I think I might need them again.
Why? Well that is what I must ask myself. And the answer I have found isn't
an easy one. It is because my way of training is isolating in a lot of
ways. I have to defend my ways all the time. (Which is why I try not to
make people feel their way of training isn't right, unless it is out
right abusive.) I feel pressure that if my horses act up that people are
going to blame my way of training. I know the truth, but it can be hard
to deal with. But the time has come for me to step up and just deal with it :)
Many times while I have been working with Pixie I have been asked the question of "how did you teach that?". And most times I will respond with something along the line of targeting, shaping, or clicker training. I don't usually go into much detail because usually the people asking (who I consider amazing people and I really enjoy hanging outwith) do not train the same way as I do. That is not to say their way is wrong. I just can't show them how I taught the behavior since it wouldn't be the same way they would teach it. I do know how to teach most things with pressure and release, but there are so many things I have taught Pixie through CT alone I wouldn't know how to teach it any other way. My expertise is in Positive Reinforcement, and I can show someone how to teach almost any behavior in that way. However, as with any training method, the basics must be learned first. One simply can not pick and chose which parts of clicker training to use.
Now anyone that wants to learn from the beginning I am more than happy to work with to show them what they can accomplish!
I look forward to seeing how I grow in 2015, and in turn how that helps my horses grow individually and us together as partners. :)
I am looking forward to following your 2015 adventures!
ReplyDeleteThanks :)