Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Be Honest with Yourself!

Over the last few years I have done everything I know how to become a better person and trainer to my horses. I am obviously no expect or professional. However, I have learned a thing or two along the way. And one of the biggest things I have learned is how important it is to pay attention to what your horse thinks about your time together and training.

So how does one find out if their horse is truly with them and enjoying the time together. Well I might suggest taking off all equipment. Go to an open area like an arena, not round pen, and let them go. Let them do what they want, they may stay or go explore,but then ask something of them. Give them cues and use the same amount of pressure you would use if they were on line. See what your outcome is. If they leave it tells you they don't enjoy what you are doing. Be honest with yourself if you have to make them stay with you by making leaving unpleasant you aren't making them like you or your actions any more. All you are doing is making them choose the lesser of two evils. Please don't kid yourself and say "but they are making the choice to be with me". No, they are not. They are making to choice to avoid something more unpleasant. Frankly, I would chose to stand next to someone I hated if my other option was being chased around. However, just because I made that choice doesn't mean I like that person now, it just means I do what I have to in order to stop running!

Start looking for little signs too. How does he/she do in everyday situations with you. Are they just tolerating it or are they enjoying their time with you. Does your horse offer you behaviors or are they scared to try new things. After you start paying attention to them pay attention to how you address the behaviors. Are you teaching your horse learned helplessness? Where they just give up? Ask yourself and be HONEST with your answer. What choice are you giving your horse? Are you using the method of making the right thing easy and the wrong thing hard? I do believe you should make the right thing easy, I don't believe you should make an underlining threat too.

Are you going to find the answer you like? I don't know. I haven't always gotten the answer I was looking for, but it was the hard answers that made me face the truth! I know some people are NOT concerned with how their horse feels about the situation and that is their choice. But others do love their horses and want what is best for them they just don't know any better.

 Am I perfect? No, I am far from. Are my horses perfect? Nope! But do I try to listen to them as much as I can? You bet I do. My goal for 2015 is to be a better listener to Pixie while under saddle. She has started rushing home while on rides and I want to get to the bottom of why! Actually I know why, it is because she is not enjoying being out. It is that that I have to figure out. Is it because I am asking to much of her physically or something else???

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