The Beginning

As long as I can remember I have had a passion for everything horses. I started riding at the age of 3 and took every change I had to be around horses. When I was in 5th grade I was finally able to get my own horse. She was a green broke 5 year old Quarter horse/Appy cross. Her name was Dream Come True, because to me that was exactly what she was! She was my world and we had many ups and downs. There was extreme happiness and extreme fear at times during our journey together, but in the end she taught me more about love and heartbreak then anyone. During my teenage years I got a 2 yr old Appy gelding, named Thunder. He was spirited and a lot for me to handle at the time. While I loved both my horses, my teenager years did what they do to most of us I got distracted and fell out of the horse world. At the time I had no idea what I was missing by not spending time with my two horses instead I was out playing. By the age of 20 both horses had been sold due to us moving. I will never forget that day that they were both loading into the trailer. I couldn't bring myself to be out there to watch. The heartbreak has never truly gone away. Now that I am grown I realize how lucky I was to have them in my life and will forever be grateful to have had the chance to own Dream and Thunder.
Me with Becky my Grandparents horse.

Dream at our Michigan home

Dream in Michigan

Me riding at my Grandparents in Arkansas

Dream and I at our Washington home

Thunder in MI

Dream Come True

Flash forward ten years or so and here we are today. I am extremely blessed to own 5 horses now. This blog will follow my journey with them.

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