Thursday, February 28, 2013


I am a morning person, always have been. I love getting up early to enjoy the quietness of the day before it gets hectic. Morning is the start of a new day and every new day is a good day :)

Since we are doing self care boarding that means I have to go feed every morning and night. My partner helps with the evening feeding, but mornings are exclusively my chore because my partner has to be at work at 6am. However, I absolutely love my morning time with the horses. I am always the first one at the barn, sometimes its way before daylight if I have to work early, and other times its just as the sun is rising. But regardless of the time it is the most peacefully place to be bright and early in the morning. Its quiet except for the wild birds and the horses! When I am out there it reminds me of just how lucky I am! I have been extremely blessed to have these horses in my life. Not only are they a part of my life, but I am lucky to have them so close to home. Even before at my old barn they were still very close to home. I have been blessed to have them within 10 minutes the whole time I have owned them :) I am looking forward to spring and summer mornings. I am so excited to take early morning rides along the river.

Maybe this morning I will actually capture the pictures I have been wanting to get for the last two weeks.

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