Thursday, February 28, 2013

Willow's spooky and Navi's lesson

Its been two weeks since moving barns and its been a great move so far. With only one exception and that is our normally calm and relaxed Willow has been super spooky. Willow can usually go anywhere and be pretty calm about it, but last week we took her and Pixie out riding around the barn and Willow was pretty sure something was going to eat her. She spooked bigger than she has ever before (at least with us) my partner was able to stay on, but it was a pretty scary moment for everyone involved. So she has spent the last week hand walking Willow around trying to get her used to the new surroundings. Willow is getting better and we had a really good ride in the outdoor arena yesterday. We will get the old Willow back soon enough...we have nothing but time :)

Navi is doing really well too. She does think the moving garage door is going to eat her, but is adjusting to it slowing. Her first lesson went well. I was proud of her, she only tried to bite the "teacher" once maybe twice, lol. That for her is good, she can get really cranky with people she doesn't know if they try to be to pushy in her mind. But really she did do great! We are learning to stop with rope pressure around her belly, back out of ropes around her back legs and to lead by her front feet. We have spent the week practicing and she is getting the hang of things pretty fast :) Her next lesson is next week. I have decided to alternate between her and Pixie. So I will have a lesson every week, but it will be two weeks between lessons for them. That will give me plenty of time to work with each one of them on things we are learning.

Today is my lesson with Pixie and my partner is planning on joining us with Willow. We decided to do a riding lesson today. Its funny once you "live" where your trainer is at, you can think of a million things you want to learn and do with your horse. I have decided that besides bitless and bridleless riding that western dressage looks like it would be fun to dabble in :) And I would like to master the trail courses that shows have set up, for no other reason than I want Pixie to be able to do them. And we can't forget that I plan on Pixie being my liberty queen :) Its a good thing Pixie and I have another 15 years + together, lol. Oh the possibilities!

Jess has been enjoying the move also. We have just been hand walking him around the property letting him enjoy the sights and sounds. I did enjoy a five minute bareback ride on him yesterday while my partner worked with Navi inside. I can never say it enough, this horse is worth his weight in gold. He is our rock!

Oh I almost forgot. We introduced Navi to another baby her exact age yesterday. This little guy is a Leachman horse (one of the biggest horse neglect cases in the state of Montana) Needless to say he has a fantastic home now with a wonderful young lady who does a great job with him. He loves to play though so we thought maybe he could get Navi to play. Well...not so much. He tried and she just ignored him until finally she kicked at him to get away. So then he moved on to Jess. Jess just ignored him for the most part, he did finally kick up his heels and run with Dancer for a minute, but then was over it, lol. But at least Jess gave him that much unlike Navi who just wanted to hide from him.  He is a cute little guy. I can't wait to see him and Navi progress in their training. And maybe one day she will learn to play with him.

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