Today I was able to successfully pick out both of Char's front feet :) We finally buckled down a few weeks ago and started really working on her feet and today it paid off. Next week we will start with the backs. I was also able to get some really nice liberty work in with her. We worked at liberty on following, and yielding her front end away from me. She was great! She never got nervous or left. Just a few months ago if you let her off the lead rope she would run around like a crazy horse calling for her herd. She didn't look to us for comfort or leadership. She just wanted to go back to her comfort zone. She has been improving, but today was by the best so far with me. She was connected and relaxed. A few months ago, I was beginning to think she would never be able to handle any amount of pressure, but she is proving me wrong. She is my next Pixie. And trust me I had more than my fair share of reservations when working with Pixie. But as I did before with Pixie we took a step back and started over. As you know last time I rode Char was in Dec 2013. It was my fall or more her spook that caused me to look at my path of training her. So back to square one to fill in the holes. We learn from our mistakes and our successes. So I took a page out of my past with Pixie. Step back and find the holes. Now here we are...Char is a much more relaxed horse. We can ask things of her and she doesn't panic. Her first response isn't always to run. We still have a long road a head of us, but I see a bright future with her. I think it is time we set some new 2014 goals with Char.
Everyday I work with any of my horses I learn something new. They are all such great teachers and make me a better horse person/trainer with each session.
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