Update on Navi. Yesterday we had a really good training session. We applied our clicker training to the basics such as yielding the back end and lining up to the mounting block. She did great!! She walked away a few times to go play with the goose, but came back after a few minutes.
Once she figured out I wasn't going to force her, she had the choice to work with me or not she got soft. I like the change I am seeing in her. While I want to beat my self up over using punitive methods with her I can't. Living in the past isn't going to help. I live and learn and will be forever grateful that she is forgiving.
Looking back at the last few months I realize I fell into the trap that so many of us do. If something isn't working get bigger or harder. I did that and failed when I decided if she was bracing in the halter I needed to introduce her to the bit. I justified it to myself my saying she needs to at least know what it's like to have a bit in her mouth, but in reality that was a lie I told myself to make it okay. Putting her in a bit to resolve the bracing was a band-aid approach instead of trying to find the root cause. It wasn't okay, and I won't go down that road again.
*On a side note my idea of punitive methods is anything that includes punishment. Meaning if you don't do what I want I will continue to up the pressure. Or if you choose wrong you will have to work twice as hard. Also I do not believe bits are bad as a whole. I just choose to try and not use them, but take note that both Willow and Jess are ridden in bits on almost every ride. I just don't believe using them as a band-aid tool is correct and that was the road I was headed down with Navi.
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