Yesterday was moving day! We had the horses fed and ready to go by 8:15 am which was a good thing because our ride was early! Which makes me like the staff at the new barn even more. I am a very punctual if not early person, so I always appreciate when someone else is early :) We loaded Jess first because I knew he would walk right on. I wasn't sure about Pixie or Navi. So Navi went second. She jumped right on again! I love that baby! Then Willow, Pixie, and Char went last. Other than Char not wanting to be caught because of all the excitement it went off without a hitch. Everyone walked right on to the trailer. Good ponies!! So we were off. We followed behind the trailer and everyone rode quietly. Char didn't like the wind on her ears, lol, but otherwise they just watched everything go by. When we arrived at the ranch they pulled right up to our pasture gate so we could unload. We got everyone unloaded (which they all did great!) and turned out. Of course they found the green grass that is starting to pop up. Then they all went exploring, but went right back to eating the grass. It made my heart happy to see them so happy! For the first time since we have owned them they will be able to graze on grass whenever they want! Of course they have their round bale still until the grass is actually growing consistently. But yesterday they spent most of the day eating the grass instead of their hay :) This Barn has made our move so easy! They have been very welcoming. They made sure to ask which cutting of hay I wanted the horses to have and were great about the fact that I wanted them to stay on 24 hr free feed instead of twice day feeding. The barn manager came up to our pasture to check on us after we had the horses unloaded and settling in. He was very kind in answering all of my questions! This barn really cares about its boarders. Everything they do out there is for the horses and boarders. Every barn that boards should have that mentality, but that sad reality is some do not. I am so very picky when it comes to my horses care and that is why self care had worked so well for us. But now that that was no longer an option I had to find a place where I could 100% trust that my horses would be cared for and watched when I couldn't be there. Unfortunately for me that meant moving my horses to another town, but in the end it is what is best for them :) I was so happy yesterday watching my horses get to graze and run around their huge pasture! After lunch we went back to the barn to take the horses out to explore the barn. We started with Jess and Pixie. Both of them were a little on edge, lol, the geese scared Jess. I guess he hasn't ever seen a white goose? It was raining while we had them out so we played in the indoor arena. Pixie was her normal anxious self in a new building. She did well once we went to playing with the big green ball :) Jess calmed down pretty fast as he usually does. Then it was Navi and Willows turn. It had stopped raining so we played with them in the outdoor arena and then went for a walk to the river. Willow took everything in stride :) I had expected Navi to be nervous being in a new place and for the simple fact that she isn't even 3 yet. But she proved me wrong! She wasn't bothered by anything! She was as confident as ever. Walking right along even over the three bridges. She keeps showing me she will become a great trail horse. I can't wait to start riding her out and about. First things first though and now that we have a round pen again we will be riding in there for a bit. We let Char just hang out in the pasture yesterday. I am going to get her out for a walk today though.
Today we are going to haul our trailer with all of our tack out and get unpacked. Then we are hoping to sneak in a short ride! I hope to get pictures on here as soon as I am done house sitting in the middle of April.
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