Just as with Pixie, I have had days where I want to give up and say I
can't do it. I don't know how to get through to Char. Yesterday was
good, but I know going forward we will have many more fails. With a
horse this sensitive it takes time and lots of it. I look back and
realize it took me a year to reach my goal of riding Pixie outside. That
was a year of her being my only horse so I had hours a day to devote to
her. Now I have also learned a lot in the past three years, so in theory it shouldn't take as
long with Char as it did Pixie. Except Char is starting so much farther back than were
Pixie was. Char didn't have time undersaddle as recently as Pixie had. I
have said it before and will say it again and again. I am so very
thankful for my journey with Pixie. Pixie has taught me everything I
needed to know. It was my journey with her that is allowing me to start
over again with Char. I realized yesterday that I have to put in my time
with Char. It can't be once or twice a week it has to be five days a
week! I almost came home at lunch time from the barn after working with
Navi, Pixie, and Jess. But then I realized I couldn't back out on Char.
She deserves as much if not more than the others. I am so glad I
Yesterday it seemed was the day for everyone
to put their first rides of the season on their horses. Lots of warming
up and horses getting back into shape for summer riding. It was then
that I realized (what I always known) this is not my hobby, it truly is
my passion. I want so much more from my relationship with my horses than
the average horse owner.
What keeps me going is my own goals, as I
don't show. What keeps me going is knowing that I can do it. Three years
ago had someone told me that Pixie and I would be riding bridle-less in
the outdoor arena. I would have laughed at them and said yeah right! I remember just two years ago we reached our goal of cantering under-saddle. It is reaching those goals that make it so I can keep going with Char. I know to some people it has taken us a long long time to do what others could probably do in much less time. But I like that fact that in reality my horse is not push button. Pixie and I still have struggles she tells me when something is too much. And as long as I listen to her, she will listen to me. Pixie demands respect before she will give it as with trust. The same with Char. Both of them are slow to trust, but will give it their all once they trust you. I hope that in three years I will be writing about all the milestones Char and I were able to reach, and Navi too. I am sure between my three mares we will have plenty of highs and lows. But it will be all of our milestones that keep me going. Each day that I get to spend with them is a good day.
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