Monday, August 15, 2016

Another Lesson Taught by Navi

Two days ago we were working with Navi in the indoor arena. Well I only worked her for a few minutes before moving on to riding work. (well accepting a rider with confidence). She quickly showed us that she was over stimulated and bored with what we were doing. After a few minutes of trying to get her to relax we moved on to more ground work. She was feisty and non too impressed with the whole situation. So one more try at the mounting block and we called it a day. Or so we thought. I was going to let her loose to run when she decided to blow up and starting rearing in hand and almost kicked my other half. Okay so I draw the line at safety issues. I always have. I will train without pain and fear, but I will and do issue strong punishment for dangerous behaviors. While what she did was unacceptable I do take blame in allowing her frustrations to get to that point. I could have avoiding the whole situation if I had changed what I was doing sooner. However, because I didn't prevent it from happening I had to quickly get after her and made her back and lunge with change of directions. When she was calmer I turned her loose and boy did she take off like a bat out of hell. She was running and bucking all over that arena. I just stood in the middle with the lunge whip asking her to keep moving if she starting to come to me to stop. Finally she slowed to a trot and did some liberty with me by her own choice. I asked for a stop and she listened. We then did a couple more minutes of liberty work and called it a day.

Yesterday we took a 4 1/2 miles hike on the trails before attempting to work on the riding in the arena. And she was 100x better. She was perfect on the trail and awesome in the arena. I tell ya there isn't anything on the trails that has bothered her yet. If she does stay sound for riding she will be an amazing trail horse, regardless I am still going to teach her to drive because she is the perfect horse for driving.

Boy, I tell ya this little mare has been one tough cookie,but boy once she works with you she is great. She continues to teach me things every time we work together. She is opinionated and strong willed, but she loves to get out and work. Taking her hiking has shown me a whole different side to her. She loves being out there exploring! She even lined up to different stumps so I could have gotten on (if she was ready). I have no excuse now not to head out hiking. I have a great little horse to pack my water for me :)


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey with Navi with us! She is definitely a driven mare who enjoys a challenge. Your work with her helps me understand my equine teacher better, as well.
