If you see me at the barn most likely you will also see my treat bag on me or attached to my saddle. I am one of a very few people that carry treats with them at the barn. And I think I am the only one who has a clicker with me. I am an oddity at the barn because I feed treats, and due to that fact I get lots of questions regarding the feeding treats. So I thought I would do a post on what my techniques for feeding treats and training are:
1. There is a big difference in feeding treats and rewarding your horse for good behavior. I do not just freely hand out treats to my horses. They work for them and earn them. I am not treating them, I am rewarding a good behavior!
2. The MOST important step when rewarding with food is to first teach food manners! My horses do not get rewarded for mugging or nipping! They are first taught to look away from me. (Navi is still learning this one) Now once they are respectful around the treats I can be more relaxed with how and where I feed them. Take Pixie for example, I can feed her in any location or position because she has learned to take the treats nicely. However, Navi, I have to watch my timing and her position carefully as not to ruin my own training.
3. I use positive reinforcement training (clicker included) in which I use the treats as a reward. This is a very systematic training method that requires good timing as with any other method of training. It is very possible to do it wrong and create a horse that is mouthy, but if someone takes the time to learn how to do it correctly it is a kinder approach to horse training and one that your horse will love!
4. I have been teaching this method of training to dogs for 10 years now and started with my horses just a little over 3 years ago. I still learn everyday how to improve my timing and approach. Every new behavior I teach my horses I am learning along with them since I am new to using this method in the horse world. This method involves not only the training, but managing the environment in which you are training in. The animal must be set up for success!
On to Pixie and I :) We accomplished her targeting my hand with her butt, lol! 2 years ago I set out to teach her to back up with me standing behind her. And now we not only have backing, but direction change too. This is done at liberty with no pressure and release. I can't wait to see how far we can go with this!
I love this post - very on point! I also clicker train my mare, and many people automatically want to start to lecture me on why I shouldn't feed treats whenever they find out I used the method. There is definitely a big difference between rewarding and just giving them treats left and right.