Yesterday I had my fifth ride on Char. It was the first time we have ridden without Jess in the arena. Even though we didn't have Jess we had Sam, Lucky, and Dancer with us. She did just fine without Jess :) We were all riding together which was a lot of fun! At the beginning of the ride it was same as usually, not much if any forward motion. She doesn't like to leave the front of the arena. We did do backing, hip yields, and some turning. Then we finally got some forward motion...she decided it would be okay to walk all the way around the arena :) We were probably on our 5 + trip around the arena and she was super relaxed, head and neck completely level with her top line just cruising along! So I never saw it coming...I assume snow fell off the roof and past the window. All I know is we were up and facing the other direction and I knew at that moment I was not staying on. I was forward and to the side, yep no hope to stay with her. Once she turned back again I was on the ground and she was headed towards the front of the arena. Landed on my side and tail bone, bumped my head on the ground, but I had my helmet on! All was well I got up brushed off and went to get her. We stood and talked for a minute to help both of us calm down. She was still pretty up! But slowly she came around and I was able to mount back up. We took a few steps and I dismounted, on my own terms this time, lol. She was still nervous, but did well at letting me mount and dismount! All and all it was a good ride. We probably rode for almost 30 minutes before the unexpected happened. I do not blame her in any way, and in fact I got Jess to ride after and something in that corner was scaring him! He is rock solid and I could not get him to walk over there and stay calm. So it truly was extreme fear on Char's part. And if he had been with us in the arena at the time I would say it was what happened, but he was not with us. Odd...but lesson learned. Always be prepared, well at least when the snow is melting off the roof :)
In other news, I had a awesome ride on Pixie earlier in the day. It was nice enough to ride outside for a bit. So we just cruised around bareback. I can't say enough that this horse is my rock! For so long I thought Jess would be the only steady eddy, but I was so very wrong. Pixie is my go to horse for relaxing rides! Now Jess is still the go to when a job has to be done such as ponying. Pixie just always has an opinion about her space, lol. Oh well we all can't be perfect!
The barn from the outdoor arena. Pixie and I enjoying our ride! |
checking out my boot |
So anyways the I have said before I have never been thrown off a horse. Fallen on yes, twice in fact, but never thrown. So Char now holds the title of the first horse to throw me :)