Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sad News, but some good things also.

Outside of the horse world things at home have been sad. Yesterday we lost one of our older kitties Jessie. Jessie has been with my partner since long before I came into the picture. He was born in 1995! I didn't come around until 2005. Jessie was a feral kitten when my partner took him in from the shelter that she worked at. So whenever something new happened at the house you could guarantee that Jessie would be in the attic where he felt safe.  For the first few years I lived here, he didn't venture down much while I was around, however these last few years he came down almost everyday and spent time in the living room with us. It was sad to have him leave us, but he lived a wonderful 17 1/2 years.

In horse news things are good. It has been cold and snowy here, but we have still gotten in some playing time. Some really good news is that Jess is teaching a younger girl confidence. There is a family at our barn that own a National Show Horse (Arabian/Saddlebred cross) who is stunning and an amazing horse, but true to his breed he can be a bit of a handful. Because he is a bit much for the young girl she has been too nervous to ride him, so enter Jess. She has ridden Jess a few times this week and so far my trainer says it is going great! Jess has been really good for her. It is perfect for both of us, this way Jess gets light riding work and she builds her confidence back up so she can enjoy her horse more. 

Pixie and I are doing a demo on June 22 at the barns open house! So now that it is just two months away we have to start getting our routine down. I am going to use just a neck rope and then at liberty also. I think I might use my song I had picked out for last years demo that I had to miss due to work. I am excited to start practicing for it!  And now I am off to enjoy my three day weekend that of course will be spent with the horses!

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