Last Wednesday we did get to spend the entire day with the horses ( that is the plan today also) it was a fun day overall. However there were a few bumps in the road with less than stellar behaviors.
We got to ride Willow and Pixie first in the the early afternoon. We decided to take them down the road to the fishing access which also has land you can ride around on. It makes for a nice mini trail ride that is at most a 1/2 mile away from my barn :) Can I just say before continuing on that I am soooo happy to be back at this barn where you can ride along the river anytime you want! Pixie was great! Again this horse has turned into a wonderful trail partner. She has come so far and for the most part she is super trustworthy with me. I can't say that she could go somewhere new with some else riding her and her still be relaxed. Willow was a bit anxious and ready to go she seemed to be fighting my partner a bit. Overall she did okay, but it wasn't her best day out trail riding. Oh well it just means we have to take her out more! ( I love it when you can say you have to go riding for the horses sake. ) Later in the afternoon my partner wanted to take Jess over to the fishing access. We have been riding Jess around the barn and he has been sound so we figured he could handle a short ride down the road. I decided I would take Willow to get her out again. We started out and boy Jess was excited!! He hasn't been out riding off property for almost a year! My partner and Jess took the lead and we followed behind. All started out pretty well then we got into the wooded area. Jess was literally trotting in place and just barging through the downed trees. Willow and I couldn't keep up! Finally we made it to the open area. Willow and I took the lead...Big mistake! Next thing I heard was my partner yelling whoa and I turn to see Jess cantering towards us and then almost running us over. It was a scary moment for me and my partner! Happy to say she got him stopped about 50 feet in front of us and then made him back up to where he ran from. We then made him stand and be patient before we switched horses to go back home. Willow was being amazing on this ride out. I got on Jess and while he wasn't going to run off with me, we did pretty much trot in place and jog the whole way home. We did a lot of backing up every time he broke gait which meant he spent more time backing then going forward!
We made it back to the barn and we did a few laps around so he didn't think the ride was over. The good news that came out of him acting like a 3 yr old horse is he seemed to stay sound. Maybe his super expensive supplements are working too well, lol. Bad news for him is that it means he gets to spend more time riding out with me. I make him work harder than my partner ;)
While it was a odd thing to see Jess acting like a moron, it made me happy in some ways to know he feels good still. We will never know his true age, but we are pretty sure he is at least 22. Now any one that saw us out riding last week probably thought why is that girl not wearing a helmet while training. He looked like a green broke young horse out there while we were trotting sideways! On the bright side his super collected trot is way comfortable to sit. I bet he could really get under himself when he was younger!
In other news...the next day we were planning on spending the day with the horses again, however the day didn't go as planned! Instead we ending up buying a new car :) A 2008 Tahoe. I must say I am a bit jealous, the Tahoe is for my partner more than me. I have my truck and we got the Tahoe to replace her little car.
The Tahoe :) |
Pixie in her new pink halter |
Willow in her new halter :) |