Sunday, June 18, 2017

2nd Ride out on Navi

Yesterday my other half and I hit the roads around the ranch again. I walked Navi down the road to the huge new outdoor arena. We warmed up a little and then I hopped on. She hasn't ever been to this area so it was all new! She walked out like a champ. With the support of my partner we decided to try some trot work. She was a little hesitant at first, but then moved right into a nice even trot that was super smooth :) We did that for a few minutes off and on. She was awesome. It was nice to finally have the first trot under saddle out of the way. I was beaming with pride when we accomplished it. My partner is a great support and is super good about reminding me to watch my hands. I tend to nag and I needed to just relax and let her have her head. After that it was time for lunch. The ranch was hosting lunch for the poker run and clinic that was going on also. So we left the arena and rode back to the main area of the ranch. Navi was perfect for the ride back. She lead the way some and followed some. We accomplished our second bridge crossing! We rode right up to all the action where the cavaletti clinic was coming to a close, horses and people everywhere and she didn't care one bit. We tied the girls up for a break while we ate lunch. After lunch we got back on and did a little work over the cavalettis that were still set up from the clinic. It was super fun and Navi was one tired girl. We called it a day and rode back up the the tack room.

It may have taken us a lot longer than planned to really start riding, but in the end I feel like everything happens for a reason and this is no different. Every bump in the road, every set back, every moment that I questioned if I knew what I was doing had its reason for happening. Navi and I have had amazing moments while training and not so amazing moments. But I can say this there has never been a time when I pushed her to where she was truly stressed or scared and now it seems to have paid off. Last summer when we started to ride again and she started rearing up a little I always got off and started over. Why? Simply because I have no desire to get hurt or hurt her. Was she told no when she really threw a fit? Yes she was because again I like my safety.

I sat out on this journey to make Navi a trail horse through clicker training mixed with some traditional training. When we very first started I was still riding in bits, since then we have given up riding in bits completely. We are on this journey to keep learning and learning is certainly what we are doing. Navi has only worn a bit one time in her life and then I quickly changed my mind and never had her wear it again. We are riding in a side pull currently and it works great!

Our journey together hasn't been perfect, far from, but I can say I am proud that I have made a horse that is safe enough to ride out bitless in new areas on her 2nd ride out. Today we hope to hit the actual trails for the first time :)

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