A new baby and her momma arrived at our barn today. The good news is she belongs to my Vet :) The bad news is she was given to my vet because she has medical issues :( The filly is 4 months old and is a cute little red dun. She looks just like her mom who besides needing some groceries she is a very pretty mare. Both mare and filly were just given to my vet, but that doesn't seal their fate. Their future isn't with her, in fact their future is unknown. But in the meantime the filly is my vets project and we get to help! I am very excited to help with the baby. I just hope she "makes it", the filly's life might not be long :( She was born with a very small anus, in fact it is so small she is unable to pass stool normally. My vet and I treated her this morning with the hopes that she will be able to pass small amounts. The filly has made it this far in life, but it doesn't mean she won't become impacted and colic. Only time will tell, but for the time being we are going to make her as comfortable as possible. And if she doesn't get better, my vet will not let her suffer. For now she is turned out on a huge green lush pasture getting to run and play :)
In other news. My crew is doing amazing!! Navi is growing fast and becoming a solid horse citizen :) Pixie and I have been enjoying some great rides and amazing ground work. She is truly my best friend! Willow and my partner have been making some great strides in their relationship and ground work. Jess is back to being ridden around 3 times a week. Twice with us and once a week with another lady for lessons. He is getting spoiled and is loving the extra attention from my Trainer and her students!
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