It has been a while since I have posted and in that time frame lots of stuff has happened :) In my herd things are well! Everyone is great! The biggest news from my little family is I have found a part time leaser for Char. Char will stay with us and I will still care for her, but someone else will be working and training her as if she was hers. These two are perfect for each other. I trust very few people to work with my horses, and I was happy when this option came up. This is truly a win win for the both of them!
On to my thoughts...yes, it can be a little scary, lol.
It was "Are we training the warning signs out of our horses?" Coming from the dog training world this would be the same as punishing a growl in a dog. You don't want to punish the growl because that is your warning sign. You take away the growling the only thing left is the bite. Frankly I am always thankful when a dog growls at me because then I can easily avoid getting bit. But that made me think is that why our horses blow up big and in what seems to be out of the blue? Is that why when put in new situation or a situation of high anxiety they seem to lose their minds? Have we taken away their other means of communicating to us? Are those signals still there and we just miss them?Or have we taught them to not give us the warning by punishing the warning signs?